upcoming events

Math SOMMa Junior Meeting
Workshop -
From October 02, 2024 to October 04, 2024
Γ-convergence: a 50 years long story
BGSMath Course -
From November 05, 2024 to December 05, 2024
10th Computational and Systems Neuroscience Retreat
Other activities -
From November 28, 2024 to November 30, 2024
Threshold phenomena in random structures
BGSMath Course -
From December 09, 2024 to December 20, 2024
4th Nonlinear Processes in Oceanic and Atmospheric Flows
Conference -
From January 22, 2025 to January 24, 2025
Barccsyn Seminar Cycle
Seminar -
February 17, 2025
CIMPA-ICTP hibrid course by Hero Saremi
Advanced course / School -
From March 10, 2025 to March 13, 2025
IRP on Modern Trends in Fourier Analysis
Intensive Research Programme (IRP) -
From May 01, 2025 to June 30, 2025
CIMPA-ICTP hibrid course by Alexandre Fotue Tabue
Advanced course / School -
From June 02, 2025 to June 05, 2025
Advanced Courses on Modern aspects of Fourier analysis
Advanced course / School -
From June 02, 2025 to June 13, 2025
Conference on Modern trends in Fourier analysis
Conference -
From June 16, 2025 to June 20, 2025
International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2025)
Conference -
From June 17, 2025 to June 20, 2025
CIMPA-ICTP hibrid course by Youssef Azouzi
Advanced course / School -
From December 01, 2025 to December 04, 2025
Events Calendar
Past Events

latest news

CRM News People

18 anys de la Mari Paz Valero al CRM al costat de la Fundació Aura


CRM Researchers Are Developing a New Efficient Data Compression Method

CRM News

Annual Meeting of CRM’s SAB: A Conversation with Chair Robert MacKay


CRM at the 9th European Congress of Mathematics

CRM News Outreach

Ten International High School Students Engage in Advanced Mathematics at CRM

CRM News

Collaboration Agreement between CRM-Montréal and CRM-Barcelona

CRM News

4th BMS-BGSMath Junior Meeting 2024: Fostering Connections Between Young Researchers

CRM News Institutional María de Maeztu

Los Sesgos Inconscientes: Reflexiones de la catedrática Capitolina Díaz

CRM News Interviews Outreach

“Mates i a xalar” a la ràdio: xerrades de matemàtiques divulgatives a les Terres de l’Ebre

CRM News María de Maeztu

Hypatia 2024

CRM News Outreach

El CRM participa un any més a la Festa de la Ciència

CRM News Institutional

The CRM’s 2023 Annual Report Highlights Growth and Collaboration

CRM News Projects

New Scientific Research Sheds Light on Ecological Dynamics and Late Warning Signals in Conservation Efforts

CRM News

The CRM participates in the MSCA-COFUND TOUCH Project

CRM News

Eva Miranda, Inclosa a la Iniciativa #científicasCASIO

CRM News

El CRM celebra quaranta anys com a referent internacional de les matemàtiques


Exploring Career Pathways for Mathematics Graduates: Insights from the ‘And after the Degree, What?’ Roundtable

CRM News Interviews

Frank Trujillo, new MSCA postdoctoral researcher at the CRM

CRM News

El CRM celebra el seu primer certament de poesia en pilish

CRM News KTT Outreach

Participació del CRM a l’EspaiCiència

view all

Open Calls 

PhD Fellowship (PREP 2023): Neural network mechanisms underlying perceptual decision making and working memory

REF. 2024-018-P05005

Deadline for submission of applications: 20th October 2024

PhD Fellowship (PREP 2023): Fourier Analysis and Approximation Theory

REF. 2024-019-P05006

Application Deadline: 15 Oct 2024

PhD Fellowship (PREP 2023): Mitigating environmental contamination via mathematics

REF. 2024-017-P05007

Application Deadline: 15 Oct 2024


REF. 2024-012-P05005

Applications will be accepted until September 25th, 2024 at 17:00 hours.

María de Maeztu Scientific Communication

REF. 2024-016-P04500

La convocatòria romandrà oberta fins que es trobi a la persona adequada per la posició.